My sample size of Not Very Effective getting dangerously low prompted me to buy my very first full sized eye shadow from Shiro Cosmetics. I also picked up Mother of Dragons because I love Daenerys and Game of Thrones.
I also made sure to mention that I love pink and purple eye shadow and of course Shiro came through by giving me the perfect samples :)
So here is Mother of Dragons. First off I love the art, not going to lie it was 70% of the reason I got the full size instead of the smaller size. The color is nice too. When swatched it looks to be a pretty even mix of red, purple, and silver. However when on, at least on my skin, the red is what shows up the most. Overall I have no regrets! <3
Not Very Effective is my favorite purple crease color. I wore the sample a lot and I'm glad to finally have the full size. I know I've swatched this before but oh well you can look at its prettiness again!
And here is a quick look I did using Mother of Dragons on my lid and Not Very Effective in my crease.
And here are swatches of the two samples I got. Ever in Your Favor is from the Hunger Games collection and based off of the extravagant Effie Trinket. Also it is the most beautiful pink ever. I am seriously going to be sad when this is gone. From what I could find I'll Move That For You is MineCraft themed, I've never played it so I don't quite understand the reference but its still pretty so I'm happy.
Here is a look I did using Ever in Your Favor on my lid, Mother of dragons in my crease, and I'll Move that For You in the outer corner.
Where to buy: Shiro Cosmetics
Price: $6 for full 2 gram jars
Oh also just because its related here is a picture I started a while ago of The Mother of Dragons that I never found time to finish. Maybe one day.